Stop Frames
Stop Frames or Stop Motion is a animation technique that gives the illusion of inanimate objects moving, usual this is done with clay or Plasticine that have been modeled into a creature or person. They will take a photo of the creation, then move it slightly and take another Photo and again and again till the entire planned scene is finished.
Persistence of Vision
Persistence of Vision is the Illusion of the eye that makes the Illusion of Movement. The idea is that a image remains for about one twenty-fifth of a second on the retina but it can go to one thirtieth of a second depending on brightness, so if a series of still images are shown in fast succession we will see a moving image from this effect.
Frame Rate
Persistence of Vision
Persistence of Vision is the Illusion of the eye that makes the Illusion of Movement. The idea is that a image remains for about one twenty-fifth of a second on the retina but it can go to one thirtieth of a second depending on brightness, so if a series of still images are shown in fast succession we will see a moving image from this effect.
Frame Rate